Hello again,

Firstly thanks so much for all your comments, I’m really pleased you like this new-­look newsletter.

The big, televised awards ceremony that I’ve been shortlisted for, the ITV3 People’s Bestseller Dagger Award will be televised on October 11th in the UK, not 7th as I previously wrote. Apologies. Thank you so much for those of you who have already voted! The award is decided entirely by public vote, and I’m up against some stiff competition, so I’m counting on my fans for support. I would be hugely grateful -­ if you haven’t yet -­ if you would consider voting for me, and spreading the world to family, friends and business colleagues to do the same. As a reminder, you may vote five times from the same email address.

This autumn is going to be a busy time for me. First, I am working hard on my 8th Roy Grace novel, which I have to deliver by the end of October, for publication in May 2012. Secondly on September 29th the paperback of Dead Man’s Grip will be published in the UK, and the paperback of Dead Like You in the USA. Both are available to pre-­ order on Amazon.com.

Also I am very delighted that my standalone thriller, Perfect People, will be published in the UK on November 4th and can be pre-­ordered now. I began researching this novel 10 years ago when the notion of having a “designer baby” was the stuff of science fiction. Now it is a reality.

From September 15th -­ 18th I will be in St. Louis, Missouri in the US, attending and speaking at Bouchercon, one of the world’s biggest crime and mystery conventions, then from September 18th -­ 23 I will be in Toronto, Canada, taking part in book promotion activities there. Very much hope to see some of you on this Transatlantic trip.

Finally just so you know I’m not all work and no play, I judged a dog show in Seaford, Sussex last Saturday! It was great fun, but a little heartbreaking for me, as an ardent dog lover. I wanted to give a prize to all of them, and I had to choose only two!

Thank you so much in advance, for all of you kind enough to vote for me and pass it along. Please remember I always love to hear from you on Twitter, on blog posts, on Facebook and by email at scary@pavilion.co.uk.

Very best,

Peter James