Supporting charities is something I believe in, strongly. Sadly and sometimes much though we want to, we all know it’s impossible for any one of us to support every charity in existence, so we have to be selective. These ones below all, in some way, reflect my interests and, with few exceptions, they are all small and local, with low overheads so that I know that every penny I give goes where it is most needed.

I am very proud to be a patron of the RSPCA Brighton. They have such a great set up in Brighton and a really lovely team, so caring about every kind of furry, hairy or scaly creature. It is horrific to hear so many stories of animal abuse, and It is a joy to be associated with an organisation that can really make a difference.
The Sussex Police Charitable Trust – this charity does a fantastic job of supporting Sussex Police officers and their families in a wide number of ways, such as those suffering from post traumatic stress, injury, bereavement, and many other forms of hardship.

I support and work with The Reading Agency, a charity with a mission to give everyone an equal chance in life by helping people become confident and enthusiastic readers. Because everything changes when we read.
I’m very proud to be the patron of this wonderful charity….
Brighton & Hove Retired Greyhound Trust
Not many people may know that these beautiful creatures bred for racing, can spend only a small fragment of their lives racing before they need rehoming. As a big dog lover, I was not surprised to see how lovely and friendly these dogs are, but I was surprised just how little exercise they need. They make wonderful, placid and very loving pets.
I’m extremely proud to be either patron or joint-patron of the following charities:
The Sanctuary Trust provides support and accommodation to men who have reached a crisis in their lives and need help to get back on their feet. The charity helps with a range of issues from homelessness through to mental health problems, financial hardship, addiction and much more. I am very proud to be able to support this charity and the wonderful work it does in Jersey.
I am patron of the Association of British Investigators – The main trade body for Private Investigators, they are a fascinating group of people, some ex-police officers, who do everything from serving court papers to infiltrating the lives of rogue Russian oligarchs – and just about everything in between!
The Brighton and Hove Samaritans – They provide a lifeline to people who feel they have no lifeline. I once heard a shocking statistic that 70% of people who survive suicide attempts are relieved that they survived, and many go on to lead fulfilled lives. Among its other roles, the Samaritans plays often a vital part in this.
The Brighton Greyhound Owners Association Retired Greyhound Trust – my wife and I are passionate about dogs and these kind, gentle animals make wonderful pets and companions. This organization does a fabulous, loving job in looking after and rehoming them.
Little Green Pig – I’m supporting this wonderful charity because if I’d not had help and support as a teenager I doubt I would have become a writer.
Jersey Crimestoppers – At a time when budget cuts are severely impacting the man-power of the Police they increasingly need the support and help of individuals in the community. Crimestoppers enables any of us to report anything suspicious with complete anonymity. It plays a major role in fighting crime.
Other charitable roles I have are:
I am proud to be supporting The Daisy Chain Project – a charity that helps fight domestic violence by providing pro bono legal advice and educating people about what constitutes domestic abuse.
Martlets Hospice Champion – my mother passed away at the Martlets Hospice in 1999 surrounded by great warmth and loving care from their incredible staff. The magic of the Martlets is that they manage to make a positive experience for all the family at a deeply sad and traumatic time.
Ambassador for Brighton University – I was very proud to be awarded an honorary doctorate from this great institution back in 2009 and I greatly admire the team who run it and the huge diversity of education it offers.
Action Medical Research – Based in Sussex, whose medical advances from the development of polio vaccines, the treatment, and/or prevention of many childhood diseases has changed the lives of so many children. I love to support this charity through the year at various events,
Time 4 Children – This is a small charity making a big impact by helping to improve the emotional wellbeing of children between the ages of 4 and 12. In today’s world more and more children are experiencing mental health problems. Time 4 Children is passionate in their belief that by reaching children early enough when they are struggling with emotional upset and difficult circumstances in their lives, by giving them the one-to-one Emotional Listening Support they so desperately need can help prevent them from developing embedded mental health problems later on.
Embrace is solely focused on supporting children and young people who have been the victims of serous crime and their immediate families. A range of support services are offered that can be tailored to the individual including Emotional; therapeutic; Practical and Well-Being’.
Vice President of The Old Police Cells Museum, Brighton – Brighton has long been known as the Crime Capital Of The UK. This beautiful, lovingly put together museum does not just reflect this, but shows how the city’s criminal past has shaped its vibrant present.
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