Getting to the heart of the matter (Daily Mail)
Peter on Dead Tomorrow’s extensive research
Peter on Dead Tomorrow’s extensive research
Peter explains the dark reality behind Dead Tomorrow
Peter discusses Dead Tomorrow’s background research
by Lisa Frascarelli Peter James’s cleaning lady recently left a message on his desk which read: “Worried about you! You’re reading weird books — men’s pregnancy and women’s shoes. Are you OK?” “I think she saw the books and thought I was going to have a sex change and try to get pregnant,” smirks James,…
Peter talks to Hong Kong magazine Bookazine about all things Roy Grace
Peter on his Jewish heritage and Dead Man’s Footsteps
There’s a myth that most novelists insist on working alone, slamming their office doors to prevent interruptions, even from loved ones. Don’t always believe it. Although people can be a serious distraction, the same rarely applies to pets. On a recent visit to Hong Kong, British crime novelist Peter James spoke fondly of his dogs,…
Peter on having a difficult time with his ski gear