My new baby, Not Dead Enough (which I was pleased to see was the No 1 most pre-ordered novel on Amazon prior to its release) was given a fantastic send-off at Borders bookstore in Brighton on Thursday night, with a group of 200 people there, including half of Sussex CID, the Mayoress, and the whole…

Blind Date Number Two!

I’ve just had my second blind date! My first, last year, was with the very delightful Anja Koenig, (chaperoned by her equally delightful husband, Stephen) (see my earlier blog) who won a competition in Germany to have dinner with me. This time it was with Sarah Hobden, who won a competition in Sussex Life magazine…

Researching 9-11

I’ve recently spent a few extraordinary days in New York with two police officers, Detective Inspectors Dennis Bootle and Pat Lanigan, researching for my new Roy Grace novel, which will be published next year, and which features a character who tries to benefit commercially from the attack on the World Trade Centre. Part of the…

Danger – Men At Work!

Well, we all have different styles of working. Me, I like to sit at my desk, slurping my vodka martini (at my evening session only!!!) opera or jazz gently pumping out of my Bose speakers. Neil Pearson is clearly the hunched forward, raring-to-go type, while William Gaminara – well, clearly a little laid back. Neil…

Website Problems

UPDATE 25th May: The site should be pretty much restored now. If you find any broken links or strange looking pages, do please leave a comment and I can get it fixed Due to technical problems with my web host, Easynet, which have resulted in my website being offline for over a week, a large…

Silver Tongues And Silver Jets

Continuing my crazy round of world travels, I barely got back from launching Dead Simple (Levande Begravd) in Sweden – when I had to go up to Worcester, with my silver tongue polished, to give an after-dinner speech to the Association of British Investigators, and then fly on to New York, to attend the Edgar…

Kurt Vonnegut Jr RIP

It has been a bad few weeks for some of the major influences in my life. First the tragic death in a car accident of my old film director friend and mentor Bob Clark, and now, after a fall in his apartment, the death of Kurt Vonnegut, author of one my ten favourite novels of…