Not Normal In Amsterdam

I’ve just been on a book tour in Holland and Antwerp with my wonderful Dutch publishers, De Fontein. I had bad memories of Amsterdam from a previous visit 25 years ago. I sailed with my then wife, Georgina, in a dinky-sized yacht with two friends, from Orford Ness (a pretty Suffolk coastal resort with a…

Moped Thief

My research for my Roy Grace novels has led to my developing some great relationships with a number of Sussex Police officersw, and they frequently tell me stories about incidents they have been involved with. I thought I would share this one with you, which was emailed to me yesterday by a young undercover officer,…

Rip Off Avis

I used to be a big fan of Avis car rentals. Seven years ago in Los Angeles I was involved in a fairly major car accident, and fortunately in a substantial car, a large Cadillac. I was in Santa Monica on Olympic Boulevard, a multiple-lane dual carriageway, dashing to a meeting, when my mobile phone,…


I’ve just had real eye-opener into how little some medics know. Let me start by saying that I have met many doctors over the years and I have great respect for some, but certainly not for all of them. I admire especially all those who have an open mind, the ones who freely admit that…

The answer….. … all of you who ask me how I relax when I have finished my latest novel; Just gently, quietly contemplative of a murder or two….. Picture courtesy of Maxim Aryukov