Interview at Shots Magazine

There’s an in depth interview with me at Shots Magazine, the result of a very pleasant (and very long!) lunch at Christmas with the Shots Editors [Mike Stotter and Ali Karim], together with Barry Forshaw [Editor of Crime Time and The Encyclopaedia of British Crime Fiction] and Carla McKay [crime-fiction critic of the Daily Mail].…

A Deadly Duel

PJ in hot pursuit on the slopes! So, moving on from grimy ovens to fresh white snow…. (the competition stays open for another week!) I thought you might be amused by this cartoon of me that appears in the current issue of the Ski Club of Great Britain publication, Ski & Board. As the son…

Stir Fried Crab, Anyone?

Well I guess my first post of 2009 should contain elements of my last posts of the year – food and the Brighton and Hove City Mortuary… As Christmas recedes, like our bloated tums, into distant memory, I’m reflecting on what were the highlights of the holiday period, and up there among them must rank…

The Only Currency Of True Value

As we head into 2009, all of us are affected in some way by the financial gloom that has enveloped the world. It is a timely moment to reflect on Shakespeare’s great and wise words from King Lear: “The worst is not so long as we can say, this is the worst…” It is all…

Fan Email Of The Year!

I get many emails every day from you, my wonderful readers here in the UK and around the world. Mostly they are really nice, occasionally they point out an error, just occasionally they are somewhat blunt, like one I received a couple of months ago: “Dear Mr James, I have just worked out that I…

Straight Into The Charts

I’m delighted to say that thanks to all you wonderful readers, the paperback of Dead Man’s Footsteps, which was published on November 27, went straight into the paperback fiction bestseller lists at No 2 on WH Smith and No 6 on the Nielsen Bookscan. I will give a further update next week after its first…

When Is War A Crime?

Last week I spent two days in The Hague with privileged behind-the-scenes access to the first international War Crimes tribunal to be established since the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials held after World War II. This is formally known as The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and is run by the United Nations. My…

Spaced Out

One of the joys of being a writer is my office is a moveable feast. For much of the year I like the disciplines of being rooted to my desk in either London or Sussex, but a dramatic change of scene, and escape into the tranquillity of France, has become an essential part of the…