The Perfect Murder Quick Reads Poll

Please note: this poll is now closed – thanks to all of you who voted! I’ve just heard there is a Reader’s Poll for the Quick Reads series – in which my book The Perfect Murder was published – which closes at 5pm Friday April 23rd If you would like to vote for The Perfect…

Those Kind Folk At The Met!

I spent last Wednesday out with the Met, doing research for my 7th Roy Grace novel. It is always interesting to compare police forces, and with 35,000 officers compared to Sussex’s 5,000, the London Metropolitan Police is a different beast in many ways. One of its former chiefs once described the Met as “human garbage…

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Dead Tomorrow Shortlisted For 2 Crimefest Awards

I’m delighted to learn that Dead Tomorrow has been shortlisted for the following two awards: SOUNDS OF CRIME AWARDS SHORTLISTSWe are pleased to announce the shortlists for the Sounds of Crime Awards for best abridged and unabridged crime audiobooks of 2009. The Sounds of Crime Awards are sponsored by Audible UK and the shortlists are:…

New Zealand Bug Of Non Electric Type

I’m just back from a round-the world trip where I stopped for book promotion and research in Cape Town, Sydney, New Zealand and, en route home, LA. Went to Auckland and Hamilton in NZ where I’ve been before then to South Island, Queenstown and Christchuch and loved it there. Great restaurants and incredibly friendly people…

Bungee Hell!

I’m currently in South Island New Zealand, home of bungee jumping and stopped to take a look at this “fun” activity, just outside beautiful Queenstown, over a gorge where some of the filming for Lord Of The Rings took place.  The idea of jumping off a bridge with an elastic band attached to my ankles…

Peter James Does Time!

Well, I suppose it had to happen one day – that I would fall foul of the law…. and here are the pictures below to show the whole sorry saga….! Arrested Charge being read out: “Crimes against sartorial elegance and wearing loud socks” Being processed… Languishing behind bars Time to reflect on my crimes… especially…

Fundraising For Baby Ethan

I don’t normally use my blog to raise funds for causes but this one is special to me. Ethan is the son of Nicky Mitchell, who was brilliantly helpful to me during my researching of Dead Tomorrow – she worked for the debt collection agency that is the model for the one my character Lynn…