Win a magnum of Champagne in my 2011 HALL OF FAME photo competition, which launches today! Deadline Jan 5th, 2012: To enter, email a photograph to me (scary@pavilion.co.uk) showing one or more of my books in a fun situation, or of you reading one in an amusing pose or unusual or interesting location. The prize…

Peter James Newsletter November 2011

Hello again, Well, I have had quite a result this past week. Much to my amazement I won the TV3 People’s Bestseller Dagger Award!!! I beat Lee Child, David Baldacci, Mark Billingham and Peter Robinson, and I could not be more thrilled. I owe all of you who voted -­ and who so enthusiastically got…

To tweet or not to tweet? (BookBrunch)

Social networking – a vital tool or the digital equivalent of timewasting fag breaks? Peter James is a convert To tweet or not to tweet? That is the (140 character limit) question. And what about Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Google+ and Blogging? Or – erm – just getting on with writing a novel. (Wozzat? – Ed.…